In which Month Was Hanuman Born?

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Lord Hanuman, the monkey-god revered for his unwavering devotion and strength, holds a special place in the hearts of millions across the globe. But a question often arises: in which month was Hanuman born? The answer, like many things in Hindu mythology, isn’t as straightforward as it seems. This article delves into the intriguing story surrounding which specific month Hanuman was born, exploring the diverse traditions and interpretations across India.

The Lunar Calendar and Regional Variations

Hinduism follows a lunisolar calendar, where months are based on the moon’s phases and the sun’s position. This calendar creates regional variations in festivals and celebrations, and Hanuman Jayanti, the day dedicated to Hanuman’s birth, is no exception.

Chaitra Purnima: The Wider Celebration

In most parts of India, Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on Chaitra Purnima, the full moon day in the month of Chaitra. This usually falls between March and April on the Gregorian calendar. This date aligns with the Ramayana’s narrative, which mentions Hanuman’s birth coinciding with the rising sun.

Margali and Other Observances

However, in Southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Hanuman Jayanti is observed on the new moon day (Amavasya) of the Margali month, typically falling between December and January. This tradition stems from the belief that Hanuman was born under the Moola Nakshatra, which aligns with this Amavasya.

Furthermore, regions like Telangana and Andhra Pradesh celebrate Hanuman Jayanti for a 41-day period starting from Chaitra Purnima. Maharashtra observes it solely on Chaitra Purnima, while Odisha associates it with Pana Sankranti, falling in April.

The Diverse Narratives

These regional variations stem from the vast and diverse storytelling traditions surrounding Hanuman’s birth. The Ramayana, the epic poem detailing Rama’s life and Hanuman’s role, doesn’t explicitly mention the month. Other texts, like the Hanuman Chalisa and the Valmiki Ramayana’s Bala Kanda, offer varying accounts. Some connect the birth to the sun’s position in specific constellations, while others focus on specific lunar phases.

The Significance of Each Date

Each date associated with Hanuman Jayanti carries its own significance. Chaitra Purnima marks the beginning of spring, symbolizing new beginnings and growth, aligning with Hanuman’s ever-youthful spirit. Mārgaḻi Amavasya signifies inner reflection and spiritual awakening, reflecting Hanuman’s unwavering devotion. The 41-day observance in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh represents a period of self-discipline and dedication, mirroring Hanuman’s unwavering service to Rama.

Beyond the Date: Celebrating Hanuman’s Essence

Ultimately, the month of Hanuman’s birth is less crucial than celebrating his essence. His unwavering devotion, strength, humility, and selfless service remain the core message. Whether observed in March, December or any other month, Hanuman Jayanti reminds us to embody these virtues in our own lives.

By understanding the diverse traditions and interpretations surrounding Hanuman’s birth month, we gain a deeper appreciation for his significance and the unifying message he holds for all.


1. When is the most widely celebrated Hanuman Jayanti?

Chaitra Purnima, falling between March and April, is the most widely observed date.

2. Why do different regions celebrate on different dates?

Diverse storytelling traditions and interpretations within Hinduism lead to regional variations.

3. What is the significance of each date?

Each date carries symbolic meaning related to nature, spirituality, and Hanuman’s character.

4. Do all Hindus celebrate Hanuman Jayanti?

While primarily celebrated by Vaishnavites, other Hindu sects also revere Hanuman and may celebrate informally.

5. How is Hanuman Jayanti celebrated?

Devotees visit temples, offer prayers, recite hymns, and perform rituals dedicated to Hanuman.

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