What Is The Story Of Sun And Hanuman?

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A Tale of Divine Mischief, Courage, and Devotion

In the vibrant tapestry of Hindu mythology, the stories of the mighty monkey-god Hanuman and the radiant Sun God Surya intertwine fascinatingly. These narratives, passed down through generations, explore themes of innocence, power, and ultimately, the profound connection between celestial bodies and earthly beings.Let’s find out what is the story of Sun and Hanuman.

A Hungry Mishap: Hanuman’s First Encounter with the Sun

One popular version of the story takes us back to Hanuman’s childhood. As the son of Anjana and the wind-god Vayu, Hanuman possessed immense strength and boundless curiosity. One morning, awaking with a rumbling tummy, he saw the rising sun casting a warm glow on the world. Mistaking it for a giant, juicy fruit, the young Hanuman, full of playful mischief, decided to take a bite. With a mighty leap, he soared towards the sky, aiming for the “fruit.”

Indra, the king of the gods, witnessing the spectacle, feared the celestial balance might be disrupted if Hanuman consumed the sun. He intervened, striking Hanuman with his powerful vajra (thunderbolt). The impact injured Hanuman, leaving a permanent mark on his jaw, hence the name “Hanuman” (derived from the Sanskrit word “hanu” meaning jaw). Realizing his mistake and Hanuman’s innocence, Surya intervened and healed the young god, forging a bond of understanding between them.

From Mishap to Master: Hanuman’s Strength Tested

Another story highlights Hanuman’s unwavering devotion to Lord Rama and his princess, Sita. When the demon king Ravana abducted Sita, Rama, along with his brother Lakshmana and Hanuman, embarked on a quest to rescue her. In a crucial battle, Lakshmana was severely injured, requiring a special herb from a distant mountain that only bloomed under the light of the full moon. However, Ravana, aware of the herb’s importance, requested Surya to rise early, hindering the moon’s cycle.

Undeterred, Hanuman, fueled by his loyalty to Rama, decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached Surya, explaining the situation and requesting him to delay the sunrise. Surya, initially hesitant, was moved by Hanuman’s unwavering dedication and immense strength. He agreed to the plan, allowing Hanuman to travel to the mountain, retrieve the herb, and return before the sun could rise again. As a testament to Hanuman’s strength, the sun’s rays shone brightly through his armpits, where he held Surya momentarily, earning him the title “Anjaneya” (son of Anjana).

Beyond the Stories: Symbolism and Significance

The tales of Hanuman and the Sun are more than just captivating narratives; they hold deep symbolic meaning. Hanuman’s initial encounter with the sun represents the human tendency to misinterpret and chase after desires without understanding their true nature. The impact of Indra’s thunderbolt signifies the consequences of unchecked impulsive actions. However, Surya’s intervention and Hanuman’s healing highlight the power of forgiveness and understanding.

The second story of Hanuman and sun showcases unwavering devotion and selfless nature. He prioritizes Rama’s mission over his own comfort, demonstrating the importance of duty and selflessness. Surya’s acquiescence represents the interconnectedness of celestial bodies and earthly beings, emphasizing the delicate balance that maintains harmony in the universe.


The story of Hanuman and the Sun resonates with readers across generations, offering valuable lessons about self-control, devotion, and the power of selfless action. They remind us of the delicate balance between earthly desires and celestial forces, urging us to strive for understanding and harmony in our own lives.


Q: What is the significance of Hanuman’s name?

A: Hanuman’s name derives from the Sanskrit word “hanu” meaning jaw, referring to the injury he sustained after mistakenly trying to eat the sun as a child.

Q: Why did Indra intervene when Hanuman tried to eat the sun?

A: Indra, the king of the gods, feared that Hanuman’s actions would disrupt the celestial balance and harm the world.

Q: What was the importance of Hanuman delaying the sunrise in the second story?

A: Sun-delaying feat secured herb for Lakshmana, showcasing Hanuman’s unwavering devotion.

Q: What do these stories tell us about the relationship between humans and the divine?

A: The stories suggest that while humans might make mistakes, the divine can offer forgiveness and understanding. They also emphasize the importance of duty, devotion, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Q: Are there other versions of these stories?

A: Yes, various versions and interpretations of these stories exist across different regions and communities within Hinduism.

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