Have you ever heard about Hanuman, the god who looks like a monkey, from Hindu stories? Hanuman is a very famous god in the Hindu religion. People like him because of his strength, courage, and devotion to Lord Rama. But did you know that there is a controversy surrounding his alleged immortality? Is Hanuman still alive?
Many people believe that Hanuman can live forever, but is this true?
The concept of Immortality has fascinated people for a long time. Some gods, like Hanuman from the Hindu religion, are believed to have a unique ability to live forever, called immortality.

Hanuman is one of these gods who is believed to have this power. It means that he will never get old or die. This article will discuss the disagreement about whether Hanuman has this power and examine the proof for and against it.
We will also explore the importance of this topic and its relevance in modern times. Suppose we learn more about Hanuman’s personality and the tales related to him. In that case, we can better realize how mythology and religion shape our convictions and cultural identities.
Hanuman’s origin story and his role in Hindu Mythology

According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman was born to the monkey king Kesari and his wife, Anjana. People say that Hanuman was born because Lord Shiva blessed Anjana with the ability to have a special baby. When lord hanuman was a young boy, he was very naughty. Still, when Hanuman grew up, he became a faithful follower of Lord Rama.
In the famous tale of Ramayana, Hanuman helped Lord Rama save his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana. Hanuman, being powerful and intelligent, adeptly navigated through many challenges during the mission. He became a symbol of bravery and loyalty in Hindu stories.
Hanuman’s Powers and Abilities in Hindu Texts
Hanuman’s powers and skills are described in various Hindu texts. Some of his extraordinary powers and abilities are:
1. Superhuman strength: Hanuman was powerful and could move mountains, pull out trees, and get rid of obstacles with his power.

2. Ability to change shape and size: Hanuman can change his shape and size at will, making him capable of moving through any place.

3. Flight: Hanuman is shown as having the ability to fly, which he used to travel long distances.

4. Immortality: Hanuman is thought to never die, and he has been given the gift of never getting old.

5. Control over the elements: It is believed that Hanuman has power over five things found in nature: Earth, water, fire, air, and space.

6. Divine weapons: Hanuman is said to have a range of divine weapons, including the gada (mace), bow and arrow, and a sword.

7. Healing powers: Hanuman is believed to heal physical and emotional ailments.

8. Teleportation: Hanuman is said to instantly transport himself and others over great distances.

9. Supernatural knowledge: Hanuman is believed to have knowledge of all things past, present, and future.

10. Protection: People believe that Hanuman protects his followers, and praying to him can keep them safe from harm and bad energies.

Hanuman is an extraordinary character in Hindu stories. He represents three essential qualities: being very devoted, being very brave, and being very strong. Because of these things, people love Hanuman as a god in Hindu mythology.
The concept of immortality in Hinduism

In Hinduism, the idea of living forever is fascinating. Some gods, like Hanuman, are believed to have this power given by the divine. Hinduism believes in immortality, and specific deities are believed to have it.
It is said that immortality allows a Creator to live forever without ageing or dying. Some people believe that Hanuman, a god who looks like a monkey, can live forever. Even though there is debate, many people still find Hanuman’s story fascinating and inspiring.
It teaches us that faith and beliefs can affect how we see the world. If we learn more about Hanuman’s powers, we can understand how mythology and religion affect our cultures and beliefs.
How Hanuman got his immortality?
Several stories attribute Hanuman’s immortality according to Hindu mythology.
1) Immortality Curse from Durvasa

Hanuman’s parents, Anjana and Kesari, were cursed by a sage named Durvasa. The curse stated that Anjana would give birth to a monkey and Kesari would be killed in battle. But, the curse was lifted and transferred to Hanuman at birth, making him immortal and invincible. Hanuman’s parents were released from the curse and were blessed with divine boons.
2) Gift of Immortality from Lord Rama

In the epic Ramayana, Hanuman played a pivotal role in the battle between Lord Rama and Ravana. During the war, Ravana’s son Indrajit used a powerful weapon on Lakshmana, Rama’s brother, which rendered him unconscious. The only cure for Lakshmana’s condition was a rare herb called Sanjeevani, which grew on a mountain in the Himalayas.
Hanuman was sent to retrieve the spice and was able to find it, but in his haste to return, he carried the entire mountain with him. As he flew back to the battlefield, a few pieces of the mountain fell to the ground, forming smaller hills. When Hanuman arrived with the herb, Lakshmana was revived and healed. Lord Rama was so impressed by Hanuman’s devotion and service that he blessed him with immortality.
3) Gift of Immortality from Lord Brahma

According to another story, Hanuman acquired a boon from Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. Hanuman approached Brahma and asked for a boon to make him immortal and invincible. Brahma gave Hanuman what he asked for, and Hanuman became someone who could live forever without being killed by any weapon or power.
The stories about Hanuman becoming immortal all have a similar message. It is about devotion, serving, and receiving blessings from powerful gods. In Hindu mythology, Hanuman is revered as a symbol of strength, loyalty, and faith.
The evidence supporting Hanuman’s immortality claims
One of the most significant proofs that Hanuman is said to live forever is that he is a god. People think gods have magical abilities that regular humans don’t have. Many Hindu texts and scriptures also mention Hanuman’s immortality, suggesting that there may be some truth to the claim.
10 Believes That Proves Lord Hanuman Is Still Alive

This photo was taken around 1988 and is known as the first picture of Lord Hanuman. Many copies of the image can now be found in many places.
1) No mention in Puranas

The Puranas don’t say anything about when Hanuman left. They have a story about how Hanuman was born, but they don’t talk about him dying. Some Puranas say Hanuman is always here on Earth and can’t die.
2) The encounter of Bhima and Hanuman in Mahabharata

According to Hindu mythology, the events in the Ramayana occurred during the Treta Yuga. Whereas the Mahabharata took place during the Dwapar Yuga. During the time of Mahabharata, Bhima was looking for a flower called Sanjivani to heal his hurt brother.
He found a giant monkey in his way and couldn’t move it. The monkey turned out to be Hanuman, the wind god’s son. Hanuman challenged Bhima to a fight and won. Lord Hanuman then told Bhima that he was a friend of the Pandavas and had been sent by Lord Rama to help them win.
Hanuman helped Bhima find the Sanjivani herb and showed him where to find it. With Hanuman’s help, Bhima found the herb and saved his brother’s life.
3) The encounter of Arjuna and Hanuman in Mahabharata

Arjuna was travelling to Rameshwaram when he saw the impressive Setu bridge. He began questioning whether Rama was as skilled of an archer as Krishna and others had claimed. Hanuman, a loyal follower of Lord Rama, appeared to Arjuna looking like an old monkey.
He told Arjuna that making a solid bridge that could carry the weight of thousands of Vaanaras was very difficult. Hanuman also said that Lord Rama had made the right choice.
Arjuna challenged Hanuman, believing he could build a bridge of arrows that could withstand the weight of any creature. But, when Hanuman placed his tail on the bridge, it crumbled.
According to the challenge, Arjuna had to walk into a fire. Luckily, Krishna came in the form of a Brahmana and stopped him. He said that challenges need to be watched by someone to be valid.
Krishna watched as Arjuna tried to build a solid bridge to hold Hanuman’s weight. Arjuna succeeded, but later it was discovered that a Brahmana had helped him build the bridge’s foundation. Hanuman realized that the Brahmana was Lord Rama. At the same time, arjuna realized that the Brahmana was Lord Krishna.
Lord Hanuman was moved by the act, and Lord Krishna hugged him, thanking him for his service in the Treta Yuga. Hanuman promised to be Arjuna’s flag-bearer in the Mahabharata War.
4) The appearance of Lord Hanuman in front of these saints.

Between 1200 to 1600, many saints believed in Lord Rama. Saints like Swami Tulsidas, Swami Ramdas, and Raghavendra Swami said they met Lord Hanuman. If this is true, Hanuman must have been present in all these ages.
5) The appearance of Lord Hanuman in Tamil Nadu

Hanuman’s original place of living is said to be Gandamadana Mountain in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu. People believe that Lord Hanuman appears at the temple dedicated to him to fulfil the deepest wishes of his faithful devotees.
6) Hanuman’s Footprints in the Temple of Shimla

In Shimla, there is a temple called Jakhu Hanuman Mandir. Hanuman Ji’s footprints can still be seen in this temple. Just like this, his footprints can be seen all over the world.
7) Hanuman comes back to Sri Lanka every 41 years.

Some people who live in the Sri Lankan jungle on the highest mountain called Piduruthalagala decided to help Hanuman. Pleased with their devotion, Hanuman gave them a particular mantra: that would make him visible to them. He further assured them he would return every 41 years to deliver Atman Gnan to future generations.
The tribals still live in the same place, performing Charan Puja to invite the Monkey God during the specified time. The headman maintains a logbook to record every word uttered by Hanuman during his visits.
They were doing strange things because they believed Lord Hanuman was with them in 2014, but only they could see him. He left on May 27th, 2014, after giving some people in their group special knowledge. They think he’ll return in 2055, but in the meantime, they can use a special chant to see him whenever they want.
8) The secret mantra to see Lord Hanuman

The mantra: “Kaaltantu Kaarecharanti Enar Marishnu, Nirmukter Kaaletwam Amarishnu”.
It is available to all but comes with two conditions.
- While chanting it repeatedly, the chanter should feel a soul connection with Hanuman through contemplation and meditation.
- They should also follow the chanting alone, without any other human being within 980 meters.

In Nainital, there’s a temple where people can take the darshan of Hanuman. It’s called Kaichi Dham, and it’s known for its famous miracles.
10) Evidence of Hanuman in Sri Lanka.

The Ramayana happened in both India and Sri Lanka. It tells how Hanuman helped Lord Rama save his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana, who had taken her to Lanka after kidnapping her. Some say that long ago, Hanuman and Lord Rama’s army built an “Adam’s Bridge” or “Rama Setu” between India and Sri Lanka.
Hanuman has dedicated places in Sri Lanka, including the Ramboda Hanuman Temple, the Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, and the Seetha Amman Temple. Many people visit these temples to show their respect and ask for good things from Hanuman.
Impact of Hanuman’s Immortality on Hindu Beliefs

The belief in Hanuman’s immortality has also changed Hindu beliefs and practices. Many Hindus view Hanuman as a source of divine protection and seek his blessings for good health, success, and prosperity.
Many people have been inspired by his story and have created ways to show their devotion, such as singing a hymn called Hanuman Chalisa to praise him. There are also some beliefs that Hanuman ji is still in its physical form and resides in the Himalayas.
Hanuman is believed to possess the ability to live forever. His tale reminds us that every human being should cultivate faith, devotion, and seek spiritual knowledge.
1) Is Hanuman still alive?
Hanuman is a god from the Hindu religion, and in those stories, Hanuman can’t die. Whether Hanuman is still around is up to what people think and trust. There isn’t any scientific proof that Lord Hanuman can’t die, but many believe he’s still around and keeping them safe from bad things.
2) Is Hanuman still alive in the Himalayas?
The belief that Hanuman is still alive in the Himalayas is a matter of faith and mythology. Some tales and myths suggest that Bajrang Bali is still alive in the Himalayas, but there is no evidence to confirm this. Some argue whether Hanuman is still alive and living in the mountains. This is interesting to many people.
3) Why is Hanuman still alive?
In Hindu stories, Hanuman Ji is said to have received a special gift of eternal life and immortality. As per the Ramayana tale, Lord Rama gave this gift to Hanuman ji as a thank-you for helping him save his wife, Sita, from the lousy demon king Ravana.
Hanuman Ji earned the gift of immortality due to his unwavering devotion and loyalty to Lord Rama. Moreover, there are also beliefs suggesting that Hanuman Ji still exists in his physical form and resides in the Himalayas.
4) Is Hanuman still alive on Earth?
There isn’t any proof from science or facts that Hanuman, a Hindu character, is alive on Earth. Yet, some think Hanuman is alive and keeps them safe from bad things.
5) Who is Hanuman in Hindu mythology, and why is he important?
Hanuman is a revered monkey god in Hindu mythology known for his strength, courage, and devotion to Lord Rama. He played a pivotal role in the grand narrative of the Ramayana as he actively assisted Lord Rama in rescuing his wife, Sita, from the clutches of the demon king Ravana. Hanuman is a character who represents being faithful, dedicated, and doing what is right. Many people find him to be a good role model.
6) What are some of Hanuman’s powers and abilities in Hindu mythology?
In stories from the Hindu religion, Hanuman has many extraordinary abilities. He is powerful, can fly, and has excellent hearing. He’s the god of yoga and meditation and knows much about healing herbs.
7) How did Hanuman get his immortality?
This article has different stories explaining how Hanuman got his immortality. Nevertheless, they collectively share a common theme of devotion, service, and blessings bestowed by powerful deities.
8) What does the idea of living forever mean in Hinduism?
According to Hinduism, some gods, like lord Hanuman, can live forever without getting old or dying, which is called immortality. Hanuman is thought to have this power, but some people disagree.